Over many years, many people have asked me how do I achieve so many goals in life and in business. I’ve been called a “machine”, “driven”, “salt of the earth”,…
Although I am humbled at receiving such positive comments, I attribute my success to having mastered and applied a system to achieve whatever I want in life.
Earlier on in my life, I had achieved some success randomly and didn’t know why.
I was actually doing the steps necessary for success without really knowing why I had achieved it.
For example, I became vice-president of a major financial firm in Canada at the age of 28, the youngest vice-president in the whole company.
When I met the President the first time, I was asked if I could grow a beard to look older (this was meant as a joke by the President of course).
Learning from failures
Not everything I’ve done in life has been successful, I had challenges and failures too, like everybody else.
I struggled at times wondering how I would ever get out of the situations I was in:
- quitting a good-paying job to try something different and shortly after, getting laid off since the company wasn’t doing well
- difficulty to find a job for months during a recession
- losing most of my money through investments I had made (during the tech bubble that eventually burst)
- losing all of my money in a company startup that didn’t turn out as expected (twice)
The failures gave me strength, learned from these and created a powerful system that I continue to use in all aspects of my life.
Tips to achieve what you want
I want to share with you what I’ve learned and applied and enable you to achieve whatever it is that you want to achieve in your personal life and online startup or business.
What’s the process to achieve what you want in life?
You can do it randomly and hope to achieve what you want, or you can apply a proven process that exponentially increases the probability to achieve whatever you want.
Think about it…
Would you ever hop on a plane without having a destination in mind? The answer is probably no.
Although it might be an interesting life experience to just randomly hop on a plane without having any clue as to the final destination, this is not something that anyone does.
What do you typically do when planning to go on a trip?
- Do you start packing your bags before having a destination already identified?
- Do you make hotel reservations before you even know where you’re going?
- What exactly do you do first when planning a trip?
- Although you could pack your bags in anticipation of a trip, the probability is that you wouldn’t do that first.
- Typically, you’d wait until you had destination identified and pack your bags a few days before the trip.
So the point that I’m trying to illustrate is that there’s a sequence of events that need to occur.
When going on a trip, you can do some random events although typically you learned to sequence things so that you had everything ready by the time you were reading to hop on a plane/train/bus or a road trip using your car.
So if taking a trip requires some planning, why would achieve any of your goals or dreams be any different?
The path to achieving dreams is to establish a very clear idea of what you want to achieve and then take steps to achieve those dreams.
It’s also important to spend the time to identify why you want to achieve this dream or goal as this will help to be motivated to achieve your dream or goal.
The process of achieving goals is really that simple.
The dreams can be anything you want, it can be:
- achieving success in your business
- earning a certain amount of money every month or year
- creating a healthy and fulfilling relationship with someone you love
- creating wealth
- losing weight and getting the body you desire
- anything you want…
Make your dream as big as you like
Make sure your dream is compelling so that you have a good reason for achieving this dream or goal.
The 5 steps to achieving what you want…
Here are 5 easy steps to achieving your dreams, these are the same steps that I have used in my life and business time and time again and I know that they are proven to work.
These are the same steps that you can use to achieve your personal life dreams as well as any business objectives or goals you want to create:
Create a dream that you want to achieve and define a reason to achieve this dream that is compelling to you.
This becomes the ‘Why” you want to achieve this dream and it will help you as you encounter obstacles.
Make sure the “why” is compelling and that you are totally motivated to achieve it no matter what obstacles you may encounter along the way (and there will be many depending on how big your dream is).
Write down your dream and write down why you want to achieve it.
- Write it on a piece of paper and carry it in your pocket
- Write it in your journal
- Put it on your phone as a picture
- Put it in your to-do list application
What’s important is to write it and have it easily available so that you can read it every day.
Look at it every morning when you get up and at night before you go to sleep.
To get started with making a plan for your goal or dream,
- Start by making a list
- Then take the list and prioritize it so you know what to do first, second, third and so on.
- Break it down into blocks so that it doesn’t look overwhelming
Have you ever wished you did something and said you would do it some-day? How often did that some-day happen?
More often than not, the “some-day” never arrives as there’s always going to be things in life that will get in the way or not be an ideal moment.
So, set a date that you can use to measure your progress.
Also, define a date that is realistic to keep you motivated.
One of the keys to achieving a dream is to write down the date when you achieve this dream.
Write down a date even if you don’t know how you will achieve it.
You can always reset the date later.
A goal without a plan is just a dream.
Make sure to take action right away.
Take baby steps every day to achieve your dream, no matter how small the step might be.
Success brings on success and you will be motivated once you start to see your dream slowly become closer to reality.
So in summary, the above 5 steps are the path that I have used over and over again to achieve whatever I set out to do.
I encourage you to try it on for yourself and adopt these steps to your life and business and I’m confident that you will increase the probability of achieving whatever you want to achieve.
Wishing something happens doesn’t make it happen, only actions will get you to achieve whatever it is you desire.
So take a step, no matter how small it is, apply the above 5 steps towards one aspect of your life or business.
As you become more familiar with the steps then apply it to other areas of your life or business.
When defining your dreams or goals, follow the 5 steps above.
It’s a proven system that I’ve used over and over again to achieve everything I’ve ever wanted.
I use these steps even today in all aspects of my personal as well as business life.
So try it on and I look forward to hearing you share your successes using this proven system.
Talk soon,